Taking a broader view of the situation, we can see food waste as a humanitarian problem, rather than a mere economic statistic.


一. rather than 可作「介系詞」用,如本文中的用法,表「而不是……」之意,其句型為:rather than ( = instead of ) + N / V-ing
Sometimes Fred drinks coffee rather than ( = instead of ) tea.
Vera went to bed early rather than ( = instead of staying up late.
二. rather than 亦可作「對等連接詞」用,表「是……而不是……」之意,其前後連接兩個詞性相同或結構對等的字詞,如:
Neil prefers vacations that are relaxing rather than exciting.
We were all surprised when Emma rather than Zoe won first prize in the singing contest.
Nick’s mother was angry when she found him playing computer games rather than studying.
※ 注意
當 rather than 連接兩個字詞做為句子的主詞時,其動詞單複數變化須以第一個字詞為主
The manager rather than the employees is to blame.
三. 當主要子句有不定詞 to V 時,rather than 後所接不定詞 to V 的 to 通常省略(此時 rather than 視為對等連接詞),或 rather than 後可接 V-ing(此時 rather than 視為介系詞)。置於句首時,尤其如此
Jake decided to take some time off after graduation rather than look / looking for a job.
Rather than spend / spending all the money, he decided to save some of it.
四. rather than 亦可搭配 would表「寧可……也不……」之意,其句型為:
would + V1 + rather than + V2 = would rather + V1 + than +V2
The soldier would die rather than betray his country.
= The soldier would rather die than betray his country.
※ 補充
would rather 等同於 had rather、had sooner 及 would sooner,均表「寧可……」
They would rather invest the prize money than spend it.
Alice would sooner climb a mountain than stay at home watching TV.
    創作者 威爾斯美語開封 的頭像


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