不定詞 to + V 可當作形容詞使用,分為「限定用法」與「敘述用法」兩種。
一、限定用法:to + V 置於所修飾名詞的後面
Gina is making some spaghetti to eat.
( = Gina is making some spaghetti which she can eat. )
不定詞 to eat 作形容詞,用以修飾 spaghetti
He is a builder who always follows instructions, and never imagines anything to build by himself.
( =…never imagines anything which he can build by himself. )
不定詞片語 to build by himself 作形容詞,修飾 anything
不定詞 to + V 之 V 為不及物動詞時,所修飾的名詞若是不定詞介詞意義上的受詞時,其介系詞不可省略。
to live. (X)
These kids have no houses +
to live in. (O)
to live in. (O)
live 為不及物動詞(必須在受詞前加上介系詞),故此句的 houses 作 live in 的受詞,因此 in 不可省略。
二、敘述用法:是將 to + V 置於不完全不及物動詞之後作「主詞補語」
(1) be 動詞 + to +V 表示預定、義務、可能性等。
Tommy is to finish his dinner in ten minutes.
Workers are to be in the office by 9 o’clock.
(2) seem、appear、look 等 + to + V 若為 to be 則可省略,意義不變。
He looks to agree with that.
The coach looked ( to be ) angry.