Time to Unwind

Employee: Welcome to AMC Fitness Club. How may I help you?
Carl: Hi, do you offer any yoga classes?
Employee: Of course! As a matter of fact , we have several different
types of yoga classes.
Carl: I’m just a novice, so which class would you recommend for me?
Employee: First, you need to tell me what your goal is. Are you trying to get into better shape?
Carl: No, I want to try yoga because I heard it will help me relax. I have a terriblebackache. Plus, I’ve been suffering from insomnia for several months.
Employee: You’ve come to the right place then! We have a class called Restoration Yoga, and it should help relieve your ailments.
Carl: That’s great! When is the class held?
Employee: There are two times to choose from: Wednesday nights or Saturday afternoons.
Carl: Saturday afternoon works for me. How much is the fee?
Employee: It’s NT$3,500 for ten classes, and each class is 60 minutes long.
Carl: Wow, that’s pretty expensive.
Employee: But if you sign up with a friend, you get a five percent discount!
職員: 歡迎光臨AMC健身中心。我可以為你提供什麼服務?
卡爾: 嗨,你們有提供任何的瑜珈課程嗎?
職員: 當然!事實上,我們有好幾種不同的瑜珈課程。
卡爾: 我只是初學者,所以你推薦我上哪一種課程?
職員: 首先,你必須告訴我你的目標是什麼。你想讓身材更好嗎?
卡爾: 不,我想嘗試瑜珈是因為聽說它可以幫助我放鬆。我有嚴重的背痛。而且,我已經被失眠折磨好幾個月。
職員: 那你就來對地方了!我們有一門叫舒緩瑜珈的課程,它應該可以幫助減輕你的病痛。
卡爾: 太棒了!上課時間是什麼時候?
職員: 有2個時段可供選擇:週三晚上或週六下午。
卡爾: 週六下午對我來說可行。學費是多少?
職員: 10堂課3,500元,每堂課60分鐘長。
卡爾: 哇,那相當貴。
職員: 但如果你和一位朋友一起報名,你們會有95折的折扣!
unwind v. 放鬆;鬆開
Let’s take a break and unwind for a little while.
backache n. 背痛
My grandfather was lifting heavy boxes earlier, and now he has a backache.
relieve v. 減輕
The medicine helped relieve some of the pain.
percent n. 百分之…
The student got ninety percent of the questions correct.
discount n. 折扣
I did not receive a discount, so I had to pay the full price.
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Fitness Club n. 健身中心
novice n. 初學者
insomnia n. 失眠
restoration n. 恢復
ailment n. 疾病
as a matter of fact 事實上
As a matter of fact, I only ride the bus twice a week.