威爾斯美語學習大補帖<Jurassic World 侏儸紀公園>
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Twenty-two years after the release of the original Jurassic Park movie, Steven Spielberg has taken his iconic film and rebooted it for a whole new generation of moviegoers. After Jurassic Park III was released in 2001, there was much talk of a fourth film being released. Plans for the sequel never fully developed, and the idea was eventually dropped. That all turned around in 2011 when Spielberg decided to make the world dinosaur-crazy again.
在原始《侏羅紀公園》電影發行了二十二年之後,史蒂芬史匹柏重啟了他的這部經典電影來呈現給全新世代的影迷。在《侏羅紀公園 3》於 2001年發行之後,關於拍攝第四部電影的傳言不斷。拍攝電影續集的計畫從未完全實現,而且這個計畫最終被停止了。2011年時出現了轉機,史蒂芬史匹柏決定讓整個世界再度為恐龍而瘋狂。
Following the events of the first three movies, Jurassic World is now a fully functioning amusement park, which attracts tourists from all over the world. Recently, however, the park has struggled to keep its attendance up and has sought out new ways to get the public’s interest. The park’s scientists have come up with a brilliant, yet dangerous idea to create a genetically modified, hybrid dinosaur.
承接了前三部電影的劇情,現在侏羅紀世界是一個正常營運的遊樂園,吸引了來自世界各地的遊客。然而,最近這座遊樂園努力吸引遊客上門,並且尋求新方法來引起大眾的興趣。遊樂園裡的科學家想出了一個非常棒、卻也相當危險的主意 ── 創造一隻基因改造的混種恐龍。
Also, Jurassic World shows the danger of tampering with Mother Nature. Jurassic World is typical of the genre of big disaster movies with a lot of cliché elements. Being a sequel, the film isn’t that unique story-wise. The acting is serviceable. Some of the reactions aren’t believable in terms of the scare-factor of Jurassic World.
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