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Our Amazing Bodies


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We improve our skills and abilities through consistent practice and taking on challenges. Language is no different. Advancing your English means challenging yourself, every single day. This column brings English into your daily life, and provides you with the strategies and tactics you need for professional working environments.



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Learning has no end or final goal to reach, but is instead a quest we all take in life.
It's a journey into the mind, where we can find out who we truly are. It's my hope that you can take the English you learn with us to express yourself, make friends, and changethe world for the better.

Bryan 老師將透過自身豐富的國外記者職涯,與大家分享工作小撇步及常見問題~


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on cloud nine  在九霄雲外

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Make Technology Work for You

要享受科技帶來生活上的種種便利,無論是在家中或是工作上Use some of these cloud-based web tools to make your life easier!但千萬別變成科技的奴隸!讓職場達人Robert介紹你有那些好用工具喔!

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世代的成就不勝枚舉:他們破紀錄、熱銷百萬張專輯,還贏得相當多的獎項。One Direction 的傑出表現,甚至還榮獲英國女王的接見!


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off the top of sb's head 不假思索

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